Growth & Development Resources

As a County, we provide over 7,000 young people with the opportunity to learn skills for life. We want to provide this even more young people, and have Scout Groups that reflect the communities they are in. Thinking about the development of your Section, Group or District is key to making sure it can thrive for years to come.

Here you can find resources to help you with growth and development.  If there is an area you would like further support with that is not covered here, please get in touch with Sarah McAtominey, DCC Development (


Central Yorkshire Recruitment Resources

If you going to represent your group at a local event to recruit new team members, did you know we have some resources that you can use to make a great impression in your local area?


The kit comprises everything you might need including a 3m x 3m gazebo, pull up banners, a display table with tablecloth, and a selection of uniforms, posters and badge books, creating a visual impact which will help you start conversations.


To check availability and book the out items please contact Cathryn Atkinson on If you would like some ideas on how you can use the kit, please contact, or check out the ideas from the Recruitment Toolkit | Scouts


Growth Project Working Group!

Grow Your Team

Bringing amazing new adults into Scouting is an important part of making sure we can offer Scouting to as many young people as possible. We know it isn’t always easy but here are some things you can do to attract new people:

Once you’ve got people interested, remember to give them the information they need, explain what level of commitment is needed and any training and DBS requirements. Set them up with a buddy to help them through their first few months and keep checking in to find out how they’re doing. Make sure they feel part of the team and knows what’s going on and most importantly, say thank you for all their hard work!

Need more young people in your Section or Group? Check out these tips for bringing in more young people.

Using Social Media for Recruitment

Social media can be a great way of spreading the word about the great things you do. Here’s where to look for advice and guidance:

If you’re not sure what to post, there are loads of ready-made pictures and videos on the Scouts Brand Centre. Log in or create an account to look through the ‘Recruitment Ready’ kits on there and post away! Here are some of our favourite videos that you can download and share:

Recruiting Managers and Supporters

Great managers aren’t always easy to find – use these resources to help you find the right fit:


Looking After Your Team

Our volunteers should be having as much fun as our young people – but that’s only possible with the right kinds of support. Once you’ve built your team, it’s really important to look after them and keep checking in to make sure everything is okay.

For more tips on managing volunteers, take a look at the Scouts website.

Trustee Boards

Trustee Boards play a really important role in the running of Scout Groups and Districts. They are charity trustees and carry out administrative tasks to ensure the best quality Scouting can be delivered to young people.


Growing Your Trustee Board

Getting involved with the Board can be a great way for adults make a difference in Scouting, without working with young people. When talking to interested people share why you enjoy it and the difference it makes to young people. If it seems like a fun team to be a part of people will want to join!

There are loads of places you can look for new people to join your Trustee Board – it doesn’t have to just be within Scouting! How about:


Here is a leaflet you can share to promote becoming a member of Trustee Board.

Once you’ve got someone interested, you can try the Four Step Challenge to give them a chance to ‘try before they buy’.

Being a charity trustee is something to take seriously, but try to put peoples’ minds at ease about this. Remember, all Group Executive Committee members are covered by trustee indemnity insurance.

Available Support for Existing Trustee Boards

If you are already a member of a Trustee Board, here are some resources to support you in your role:

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more