Our Districts
Central Yorkshire Scouts is made up of 8 Districts and over 120 Groups covering the metropolitan areas of Leeds and Wakefield. Our Districts are:
Leeds Templars
- District Lead Volunteer: Matthew Jackson (Matt.Jackson@leedstemplars.org.uk)
North Leeds
- District Lead Volunteers: Stacy Wilshaw (stacy.wilshaw@nlscouts.org.uk) and Mark (Max) Illingworth (mark.illingworth@cycscouts.org.uk)
Pontefract and Castleford
- District Lead Volunteer: Tim Johnson (dc@pcdscouts.org.uk)
Shire Oak (Leeds)
- District Lead Volunteer: Alex Mutch (alex.mutch@shireoakscouts.co.uk)
South Leeds and Morley
- District Lead Volunteer: Gareth Luby (dc@slamscouts.org.uk)
- District Lead Volunteer: Adrian Cooper (dc@wakefieldscouts.org.uk)
West Leeds
- District Lead Volunteer: Simon Cocker (dc@wetherbydistrictscouts.org.uk)