Executive Committee
The executive committee as Central Yorkshire Scouts’ Board of Trustees is responsible for compliance, charity governance, and financial management. The Exec also works to support the County, and has responsibility for fundraising, property, equipment and insurance, adult appointment and people management, IT support, archives, safety, support, and the promotion & development of local scouting.
The Executive Committee has four subcommittees that support its work. Those are the:
- Appointments Advisory Committee
- Aldwark Management Committee
- Bramhope Steering Committee
- Finance & General Purposes Committee
Raising funds for adventures
Whilst some funds come from subscriptions, Central Yorkshire Scouts is always looking for ways to raise more so it can do more.
Central Yorkshire Scouts welcomes interest from outside organisations and individuals, whether to support a specific project or to support our work in general. Please contact the County Office who will put you in touch with a member of our executive committee for a discussion.
David Grindrod County Chair
Objectively and impartially chairing Executive Committee meetings.
Monitoring that decisions and actions agreed at Executive Committee meetings are implemented.
Ask me about
- Anything, if I don’t have the answer I’ll know somebody that does
Carol Milburn County Commissioner
Stuart Jolley County Treasurer | Chair of Finance & General Purposes
Role Responsibilities
I am an accountant by profession and I am responsible for the stewardship of the Charity’s financial resources. I provide strategic financial advice to the County Executive Committee and lead the financial management of the County’s activities. I am Chair of the Finance and General Purposes sub-committee.
Ask Me About
- Financial controls
- Planning, budgeting & budget monitoring
- Charity accounting and reporting standards
- Independent examination of accounts
- Insurance
Colin Harman County Secretary | Appointments Secretary
Role Responsibility
Executive Committee meeting agenda and minutes, County AGM, census and County appointments.
Ask me about
- POR (Policy, Organisation and Rules)
- Appointments
- DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service)
- Compass
John Smallwood Deputy County Commissioner
Kyle Mallory County Youth Commissioner
John Bradshaw Co-opted Trustee | Chair of Aldwark Management
Role Responsibility
I lead the Management Committee in working to continuously improve the Central Yorkshire Scouts offer of water activities at Aldwark. This is for both residential weekends and weekend day trips available to everyone in CYS family from Beavers upwards. The role gives me the opportunity to support the wider work of the County as a member of the County Executive Committee
Ask Me About
- Aldwark
Andrew Gallivan Nominated Trustee
Amy Connor Elected Member | Trustee
Email: Amy.Connor@cycscouts.org.uk
Bill Holmes Elected Member | Trustee
Email: Bill.Holmes@cycscouts.org.uk
Ted Fairfax Elected Member | Trustee
Role Responsibilities
Principally as a representative of the Executive on the Aldwark Management Committee.
Ask Me About
- Administration functions (currently District AAC Chair and District Administrator)
- Development of Scouting Provisions
- Leader training (currently a TA and TA – Managers and Supporters)
- Nights Away Activities (holder of NAP Greenfield)
- Scouting Manager role responsibilities (ex DC and still a GSL)
Email: Ted.Fairfax@cycscouts.org.uk