See below for Inclusion & Diversity FAQs

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Central Yorkshire Scouts – Inclusion & Diversity – FAQs

Which children and young people are welcome in Scouts UK?


What is a reasonable adjustment?

  1. Wheelchair ramps (Temporary & Permanent)
  2. Shorter sessions – avoid busy & loud start finish ceremonies
  3. Alternative promises to suit personal beliefs (see
  4. Altering Uniform requirements to allow for cultural, religious and sensory needs
  5. Written/Visual Timetables
  6. Dietary needs for religious, cultural or medical needs
  7. Providing a quiet space for reflection/sensory issues/prayers/medical procedures
  8. Using simple factual words
  9. Differentiating work needed for badges based on ability/need
  10. Allowing aids and equipment to be used during Scout time (eg fiddle toys)
  11. Gender neutral toilet facilities (alternate signage can be used on individual toilets)
  12. Parent meeting to facilitate building a plan for inclusion
  13. Having a diversity and inclusion champion within the group/district for support
  14. Consulting with CY ID Team for support/advice

My Child has a 1-2-1 in school so will need extra support in Scouts, do you provide this?

  1. We do not provide exclusive 1-2-1 assistants however we will always make sure that we have adequate leader support and Families/Personal Assistants are always welcome to support their child/young person (once they have completed our safeguarding requirements)
  2. Scout Leaders are all volunteers with a broad spectrum of specialist knowledge and experience and have access to Inclusion and diversity resources for support.

My Child will need to observe their religious and cultural needs whilst Scouting, how will this be managed?

This will be handled sensitively, respectfully and with full support. We believe that families know their child best and by working as a partnership we can fully support their needs.

My child struggles sometimes with certain things and won’t manage without me being there

We fully understand that some children may require things doing differently to get the best outcome and we are happy to learn from families how best to do this. A one page profile of your child’s likes and dislikes would be helpful.

My child has a medical/care plan and needs medications regularly, how will you manage this?

Scouts have policies and procedures to cover this and training can be provided to Leaders to support the medication/care needs of the child. We have many young people who regularly use medications i.e. blue asthma inhalers to controlled drugs including epi-pens.

Do you accept children with behavioural difficulties?

Yes! We believe behaviour is a form of communication and will work with the family to meet needs.

My child will need separate sleeping and changing areas to allow for their gender identity to be respected, is this acceptable?

Yes, we will work with the family to ensure we get the right balance of privacy whilst maintaining their peer group experience.

Is Church Parade compulsory?

No. We encourage all children and young people to grow and develop their own personal beliefs and to commit to learning about all faiths and beliefs to create acceptance and understanding generally. We will support them to explore this.

My child has a restrictive diet due to Autism Spectrum Condition/Eating Disorder/Medical Condition, how will you manage this?

We can manage this by working in full partnership with families to ensure the menu offered is fully suitable, substitutes are available and a full plan is made to ensure the dietary needs are met.

My Child needs a gender neutral toilet can you offer this?

In most rented buildings we work with the building as it is already however we will try to identify a facility that can be used individually and will make new signage that is appropriate for that wherever possible. Most campsites, buildings and premises have accessible toilets that are already gender neutral.

How do I know my child’s race, religious or cultural needs will be respected and activities will suitable for them to participate in?

The Scout association run a varied program that is evidence based and thoroughly tested to ensure it is suitable for children and young people to take part in. It undergoes vigorous scrutiny by trained leaders who have vast experiences in all walks of life and have many years of experience in Scouting. Scouting operates across the world successfully delivering to over 50 million members in over 216 countries/territories worldwide.

Top Tips

  1. A good transition with a meeting/documentation (risk assessment if needed) for the child ensures any issues are resolved prior to it becoming an unsurmountable problem.
  1. The family are often the experts in their child and can advise what is needed and when.
  1. Don’t assume reading & writing skills (especially if English is not first language/additional needs)
  1. There is no such thing as a silly question, ask and learn!
  1. Use the district/county resources for additional support in all Inclusion and Diversity matters

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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